A picturesque breakfast

How damn good does this look?

A quick breakdown:

  • Scrambled eggs (healthy fats and some protein)
  • Avocado toast with tomatoes (more healthy fats, vitamin C, and an ideal carb for a workout)
  • An orange, peach, and carrot smoothie (chock-full of more micronutrients)

Pretty damn solid, huh?

It depends.

What's your goal for the day? If you're just trying to eat as healthy as possible, I'm a fan:

  • Mostly single ingredient, nutrient-dense foods
  • Nearly 30 grams of protein
  • About 15 grams of fiber

If your goal is fat loss, we may need to think again:

  • 800+ calories
  • 28 grams of protein
  • 56 grams of fat
  • 68 carbs

(These numbers aren't 100% perfect, but they're accurate enough. Here's how I quickly estimated things.)

Many of my clients need to diet on 1,400-1,700 calories, and most of my clients try to eat 100-120+ grams of protein per day (often more). Meaning after a breakfast like this, here's what the rest of your day may need to look like:

  • No more than 600-900 total calories
  • 72-92+ grams of protein

Is this doable?

With some planning, for sure. But it's also not a tremendous amount of flexibility to work with.

What's my point?

"Healthy" is not inherently synonymous with "fat loss friendly." In fact, some damn healthy meals can be calorie bombs.

(Talking to you, Cheesecake Factory salad menu.)

That's why 90+% of people can't just semi-aimlessly "eat healthy," not consistently track, and expect to lose weight... especially later in a diet.

Because whether you want to count them or not: calories count. More than literally any other factor when your goal is weight loss.

If tracking is a drag to you, remember this:

  1. What you give up in minutes (time spent tracking per day)... you get back in MONTHS (of not spinning your wheels). Sometimes years. That's an insane trade
  2. Precise tracking doesn't need to be a forever thing. It just accelerates your dieting timeline so you can go back to a more sustainable approach sooner

Keep this top of mind on the days you feel like negotiating your plan.

It'll make a world of difference.


P.S. Again, here's how I super quickly (and accurately) estimate meals out. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have questions on this.

Sam Forget

I send powerful lessons, stories, and no-BS transformation tips to my private email list 1-2 times per week. Subscribe here to begin your OWN transformation:

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